Hey, anyone still out there!!!
I know it's been quite awhile, but thought it was time to start blogging again. I'm not making any promises on how often I'll update, but figured I needed to start again somewhere. So, enjoy some highlights from October. . .
Can you tell that dressing up is not Taft's idea of a good time, but I told him it was necessary to get candy Ü Brigham loved being a pumpkin, Elaine was excited to be princess Leigha, Dallin the Grim Reaper, and of course as all my babies have been for their first Halloween, Calvin was a bunny.
Funny side story: On Halloween day we were going to visit my mom in the nursing home and I thought it would be fun for the kids to wear their costumes. As we are getting ready to go I ask Dallin where his costume is and he replies, "Mom, we're going to an old folks home. Did you forget I'm the Grim Reaper? I'd give them all a heartattack or something!" Kirt and I found that quite funny and surprising Dallin would think of that. Ü
Pumpkin carving was quite the event. They all thought it was gross, but enjoyed eating the tasty seeds I later roasted with butter and salt.
Friend . . . or Foe?
Definitely the enemy!!!
Calvin enjoyed playing with his little
stash of goodies.
stash of goodies!!!
Brigham loved his pumpkin costume. He
embellished a bit the next day and added
a sword and hat.
Student of the Month
Way to go Elaine!
I'm still here! Dallin's comment cracked me up!
I am glad you are back. It is fun the see the cute kids. Calvin has changed! What cuties.
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